Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Bruce Springsteen Plastic Surgery Before and After Nose Job, Botox and Facelift

Did Bruce Springsteen get plastic surgery?

It is estimated that Springsteen, 63, has had a plethora of plastic surgery, such as blepharoplasty, facial fillers, botox injections, facelift and even a hair transplant!
Judging by the before and after photos, Springsteen's forehead does not seem overly Botoxed, his eyes are not noticeably lifted, his skin is smooth and the wrinkles are undeniably reduced around his crow's feet, making him look more refreshed and youthful than before. He made a smart choice to not overdone all these procedures to his face to the point that it stops having any facial expression.

Dr. John Di Saia of San Clemente and Orange, who blogged about Bruce Springsteen, was quoted as saying: "Would I say he's had a ton of work? Probably not. He doesn't overdo it. But it's almost certain he's had something done."

Springsteen's hair is just as thick as ever, making some celebrity watchers and gossip magazines suggest it may not be entirely natural, but a hair transplant!
In David Remnick's article in The New Yorker, there is a stand-out sentence about Bruce Springsteen: "His hairline is receding, and, if one had to guess, he has, over the years, in the face of high-def scrutiny and the fight against time, enjoined the expensive attentions of cosmetic and dental practitioners."

Apart from the plastic surgery operations Springsteen obviously got, it is clear he is blessed with good genes!

It has to be mentioned that Bruce Springsteen hasn't confirmed or denied any kind of plastic surgery.

Conclusion: Bruce Springsteen is a great deal better now than he did even a few years ago, but he still looks like his former self. The only reason someone would suspect he has had work done is that he appears too good for his age!
An Orange County plastic surgeon thinks he’s spotted a few signs that The Boss, now 62 years old, has been nip-tucked.

Dr. John Di Saia of San Clemente and Orange, who blogged about Bruce Springsteen this week, qualifies his observations about the iconic, award-winning singer-songwriter by saying, “Would I say he’s had a ton of work? Probably not. He doesn’t overdo it. But it’s almost certain he’s had something done.”