Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Barack Obama Plastic Surgery Before and After Nose Job

Has Barack Obama Gotten Plastic Surgery?

Barack Obama’s presidential campaign has been compared to that of the Kennedy’s. But would the democratic candidate be quite so handsome without a nose job in his past? Make Me Heal looks at the rumors of plastic surgery in the Obama camp.

Barack Obama, Rhinoplasty

Early pictures of law student Barack Obama reveal a geeky kid with a big nose and hair to match. The nose in his early pictures is quite wide and very round. Fast forwarding several years to the current presidential campaign, and some insiders have claimed that Obama’s nose looks more refined at the tip, which may have been the result of a conservative rhinoplasty procedure.

A reader of Orange County based plastic surgeon Dr. John Di Saia’s blog, identified as Corey queries, “Since this is a plastic surgery forum. Have you seen Barack prior to his rhinoplasty? Check out the pictures of him while in law school. Very big nose. Wonder if he could have been president with the old nose? He wasn’t very attractive then.”

Dr. Di Saia responded, saying “It looks like the blogger might be right. The old Barack image features a more rounded nasal tip. His later images look consistent with a minimal tip rhinoplasty to me. It makes for a more “Caucasian” look. Maybe.”

On the other hand, plastic surgeon Dr. Paul Nassif told Make Me Heal that he doesn’t think that Barack has even had the minor rhinoplasty.

So the jury’s out as to whether or not the odds-favorite candidate for the presidency is also a nose job candidate.

Michelle Obama, Rhinoplasty

As for Barack’s wife Michelle Obama, there is also a rumor of a nose job. Michelle’s nose looks the same to Make Me Heal throughout the years, implying that the nose job rumor is false. However, Michelle’s face is very smooth and wrinkle-free, despite what must be a very stressful life on the road, leading us to believe that the 44-year old may use Botox to relax facial muscles and prevent her face from wrinkling. If she does use Botox, it is a job well-done, because she doesn’t have the overly tight and unnatural appearance of some users, like Nicole Kidman

Many people think that USA president, Barack Obama got some plastic surgery (rhinoplasty) before his campaign for the presidency started.  Nobody can be completely sure, but we don't think so.  First, it is hard to say only with pictures, especially because they were taken with too much time between them.

Now, if we see pictures with similar angles and expressions there is not a big difference, his nose may look more defined in some of them, but the change is so subtle that we can't be sure.

Obama has been in the public eye for quite long, making it a bit harder to say that he got the procedure done recently, because of the time that he would need to recover from surgery.  If he got a rhinoplasty, it was a very good surgery and the surgeon should be congratulated for a proportional and natural result.